Sunday, August 17, 2008

Asbestos concerns for business owners at colorado mall

Craig, Colorado â€" Owners of businesses located near the Country Mall in Craig, Colorado, are concerned that the presence of asbestos in the mall may have a negative effect on their customer base. However, the possibility of exposure to asbestos isn’t the only thing concerning local business owner Steve Bell, who runs the Furniture Gallery of Craig. When officials posted signed warning of the asbestos contained within the building, Steve Bell began to worry that customers might stay away: “I wonder if people look at that [sign] and worry if it’s dangerous to come around here. There’s a lot of comments from people coming into the store, asking when that eyesore is going to go away.” The Country Mall is located in a burned-out building that has been in disrepair since it burned down in November 2007. The building is now known to contain asbestos but there are no definite plans to begin a clean-up. One reason for this is that the asbestos has to be cleaned up before any renovation or demolition work can take place. However, the owners of the building, Veldon Behrman and Marvin Cortner, say they are waiting to hear from the building’s insurers before hiring contractors to clean up the building. State law requires that the Country Mall site be cleaned up before any further developmentâ€"whether it be renovation or demolitionâ€"can take place. Some areas of flooring contain up to 25% asbestos, and several other locations in the building are contaminated with the hazardous mineral. Roy White, regional manager of King¬ston Environmental Services, a company that carries out clean-up of hazardous material, said that it was possible that wind might blow asbestos to other areas. White added that it would be unlikely to occur in the case of the Country Mall due to recent wet weather that would greatly reduce the likelihood of asbestos becoming airborne. White does say, however, that the insurance company has perhaps taken an unnecessary amount of time to pay the claim on the Country Mall, saying that the owners of the building “need to get it cleaned up and cleaned up quick.” The owners of the building say they would like to begin cleaning the building as soon as possible, but their hands are tied until the insurance claim is settled. (Source: Asbestos and Mesothelioma News)

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